France: NRJ
NRJ is France’s number one station in all age-groups 13-64.
Radio Intelligence has been NRJ’s exclusive consulting company for the past twelve years.
Source: Médiamétrie, market share.

Spain: Cadena 100
From 3.5% to 10.3% market share nationally.
Source: EGM.

Sweden: Viaplay Group
Viaplay Group up 21% in 18 months.
Commercial market share grows from 38% to 46% in less than two years (2020-2022).
Source: Kantar Sifo.

Germany: NRJ
All-time high for NRJ.
Record growth by 40% Average Hours in three years.
Source: MA.

Norway: P4
P4 stock value up five times.
Source: Oslo stock exchange.

Toronto: Boom 97.3
From launch to #3 in 3 months.
Radio Intelligence provided a Strategic Market Study and Music test before the launch that created the strategy for the success.
Source: BBM Canada.